Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Final Movie

Here is my final movie! It is about Sevilla, Spain. The title is NUESTRO VIAJE A SEVILLA (Our Trip to Spain). It is made of actual video that I took while in Spain, as well as pictures. I used voice over narration, authentic music, and some actual audio from the videos. I also added text throughout the movie to transition. I added transitions between video clips and video effects as well.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Well I am not sure how to embed my podcast! When I click on the embeddable player link, it doesn't give me anything. I am going to keep trying though!

My podcast is very cut and dry. It is a vocabulary review. I find that my students could really use something like this when they are studying for the tests and quizzes. It is very helpful if they can hear the words pronounced correctly while they are studying, rather than practice the word incorrectly pronounced. The pictures I have chosen for my podcast are pictures that I have found on the internet, that represent the vocabulary from this chapter. I included slide transitions between each picture, as well as audio.

I hope my students will actually use this!!

Favorite Websites

One of my favorite websites is
There are SO many wonderful tools for teachers at this site, including the Assign-a-day calendar which I use to keep my students (and parents) posted on what the assignments are for the month.

Another site I love is My students will use this website to practice grammar and even vocabulary. It is very professional and accurate.

I use a lot! In my opinion, it is one of the best spanish-english dictionaries online. I encourage my students to use this, rather than online translators. This way they can look up one word, rather than have the computer translate sentence by sentence. Plus, there is a forum where people can ask about phrases or expressions, and many native speakers answer. It's very helpful!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

2 Minute Movie

Here is my short video with live footage from Semana Santa (holy week) in Sevilla, Spain. This is video that I recorded of a procession going down the street, right outside of my bedroom window.

The music in this video is a traditional saeta heard during some of the bigger processionals.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Teacher Tube!

Here is one of my favorite videos from!
It is a humorous approach to learning Spanish conjugation. It is to the tune of "Cry Me a River" by Justin Timberlake. I love how creative this is and how much fun some kids actually have with doing projects like this!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Photostory: Article Summary


My name is Tara Gzehoviak and I am 25 years old. I currently teach Spanish II at Millard North High School, and this is my second year there. I attended high school at Millard West and graduated from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln with a bachelors degree in secondary education, with an emphasis in both Spanish and ESL. Right now I am engaged and spending a lot of time planning the wedding. The date is June 27th, and it is quickly approaching! This has been a really exciting time for me, but I can't wait for the wedding to get here so that we can be done with it! :)

As far as technology goes, I am pretty good with it! I use technology everyday for work and for my personal life. From cell phones, to cameras, to computers....I have always been interested in using technology! At work I am usually the person that the older staff members of my department go to for computer help. :) I am definitely a PC person, but only because that is really all I've ever had. I think MACs are awesome and someday would like to buy an iBook. The programs that Mac's have to offer are amazing. In the classroom I use my computer a lot to create powerpoints, and to do different activities by projecting them on to the projector screen. I rarely take my students to the computer lab because I have yet to find a really meaningful activity for them to do. Plus, our lab is always booked way in advance! I just switched over to Microsoft Office 2007 last week. It was a change that I was very hesitant to make. I haven't really even had a chance to play around with it yet.

I am now furthering my education with the goal of completing my masters by 2009 at Peru State College. I decided to take the plunge and get started with my masters right away, because I felt that I would really benefit from the courses I would be taking, and it will also help out financially. Currently, since I am only in my second year of teaching, I don't really have any plans as for what I want to do with my Masters. First thing's first. I am enjoying being a student again and learning a ton of helpful new information.